You may have also noticed that there are lots of details provided around each and every media item in Mediaportal. Check out this post for more information on those details, and download this Cheat Sheet for future reference.

Finding your media items
To view your media items, click on the brief or folder you’d like to access from the Coverage page.
You’ll then be taken to that brief or folder where you can review the media items that have been delivered to that brief or folder. At the top of your screen, under the search bar, you’ll see a folder toolbar with options to filter your media items and customise how they’re displayed:
Use the buttons to the left of the toolbar to toggle between a compact view for your media items, or an expanded view that shows more information.
Use the media types dropdown menu to select which media types you want to view, depending on what you’re looking for.
Use the date picker to select certain time periods – you might want to look at coverage that was only delivered today, or instead review media items that were published in a certain calendar month.
You can use the Folder Tools dropdown menu to create a chart to visualise your coverage or set up an Email Alert or RSS feed.
Below the title of your brief or folder you’ll see options to sort and group your coverage.
Keep reading for information on how content from print, online news, radio and television is presented in Mediaportal. If you’re interested in information on social media, check out this post.
Newspaper and Magazines
Newspaper and Magazine coverage in your Mediaportal look like this:
On-screen, you can see the first two sentences of the article. You can view the PDF article or read the full text for more information. Click on either the headline, the thumbnail or View Original to view the PDF article. The thumbnail image you see highlights the position this article had on the page of the newspaper or magazine.
Below the headline you’ll see the name of the newspaper or magazine where this article appeared, and the page number it was published on. Click the hyperlinked media outlet name or the hyperlinked journalist name to view their contact details.
Below the extract you’ll see the keywords in the article that matched with the terms on your brief.
There are also different options for engaging this media item:
- Click Read More to view the full text
- Click View Original to open the PDF
- Click Share to share this item via email colleague and add any comments about why you’re doing so.
- Click Feedback to notify your Account Management Team of any issues with this item
To the right of your item you’ll see extra metadata or details about your media item, like audience, advertising space rate and word count.
Use the Comments field to add any commentary on a clip, which will appear for other users in your organisation.
The Item History section shows when the item was added to Mediaportal and when you read it. You’ll also see if you’ve added that item to any personal folders or reports.
Select the checkbox beside each media item to display a bright blue action bar at the top of your screen. From this action bar you can add that item to a report, a personal folder or export that item to an Excel workbook.
Radio and TV
Radio and TV items in Mediaportal look like this:
On-screen, you’ll see a broadcast summary for radio and TV items. This broadcast summary is generated by Isentia broadcast monitors, and it summarises what was discussed when this item went to air. The summary will also include any organisations, spokespeople or issues that were mentioned in the media item. The “headline” of TV and radio items is the first words of the summarised item. For TV items, you can hover your cursor over the thumbnail image to preview the item via a series of screenshots.
Using Mediaportal you can access the audio and video files for broadcast items, as well as order transcripts. This is great if you want to know exactly what was said when a TV or radio item went to air. Click Available Formats to place orders for these formats: Stream, Download, Transcript or Edited Clip.
Ordering audio/video files or transcripts through Mediaportal will usually generate an extra charge per item. If you’re not sure of the costs for these orders, check with with your Account Management Team. Check out this post for more information about broadcast orders.
If you have a broadcast package as part of your service, you will have the ability to stream video or audio content directly from the embedded play on the item at no additional charge. You will also have access to instantly download the media as a file at now additional charge.
Below the headline, you’ll see the Interviewees field, which identifies any people interviewed within the coverage. The Visuals field identifies any brands clearly visible in TV items.
There are also different options for engaging this media item:
- Click Available Formats to order radio/tv files or transcripts
- Click Share to share this item via email colleague and add any comments about why you’re doing so.
- Click Feedback to notify your Account Management Team of any issues with this item
- Click Where else was this broadcast? to see a list of stations of channels where this media item was syndicated. If you don’t see this, the item was not syndicated. The ASR and Audience figures that you see in Mediaportal will include any syndication.
Use the Comments field to add any commentary on a clip, which will appear for other users in your organisation.
The Item History section shows when the item was added to Mediaportal and when you read it. You’ll also see if you’ve added that item to any personal folders or reports.
Select the checkbox beside each media item to display a bright blue action bar. From this action bar you can add that item to a report, a personal folder or export that item to an Excel workbook.
Online News
Online news coverage in your Mediaportal looks like this:
On-screen, you can see the first 220 characters of the media item. We are unable to display the full text inside Mediaportal due to copyright restrictions. However, you can click the item headline or View original to read the rest of the article online.
Please note that when you search for items using Mediaportal Search, we search the full text, not simply the 220 characters displayed on the item card.
Below the headline you’ll see the name of the website where this article appeared, and the page number it was published on. Click the hyperlinked media outlet name or the hyperlinked journalist name to view their contact details.
Below the extract you’ll see the keywords in the article that matched with the terms on your brief.
There are also different options for engaging this media item
- Click View Original to open the PDF
- Click Share to share this item via email colleague and add any comments about why you’re doing so.
- Click Feedback to notify your Account Management Team of any issues with this item
To the right of your item you’ll see extra metadata or details about your media item, like audience, advertising space rate and word count.
Use the Comments field to add any commentary on a clip, which will appear for other users in your organisation.
The Item History section shows when the item was added to Mediaportal and when you read it. You’ll also see if you’ve added that item to any personal folders or reports.
Select the checkbox beside each media item to display a briht blue action bar. From this action bar you can add that item to a report, a personal folder or export that item to an Excel workbook.
Online translations
If you are tracking online media content from multiple markets around the world, you may receive some online items in other languages. To hep you get around language barriers we’ve added an automated translation button to online media items. When Mediaportal detects that the text of an online item is in a different language to what your browser is set to, the auto translate button will appear.
Clicking on the auto translate button will open the article in Google Translate in a new tab.
If you would prefer to read the article in another language, you can change the “To:” language set at the top of the page.
Looking for information on social media? Check out this post