Mediaportal Monitor

How To: Coverage page

There are lots of features on the the Coverage page in Mediaportal. Check out this post to make sure you know about all of them. When you log i

How To: Briefs and Keywords

Did you know that you can view and modify the keywords listed on your briefs, right inside Mediaportal? Keep reading this post for more information.

How To: Contact Details

Check out this post to learn how to access detailed media contact pages from your media items inside Mediaportal.

What is Mediaportal Monitor?

Mediaportal Monitor gives you access to your monitored coverage, as well as tools to organise and distribute this efficiently. Isentia delivers relevant media items to Mediaportal based on the keywords you’re tracking – then, you can use tools like Mediaportal Alerts, Folders and Reports to manage and share this coverage. Monitor is the most visited area of […]

How To: Coverage Reports (All formats)

Mediaportal Reports are the perfect way to share information and keep your key stakeholders informed. Keep reading for more information on building reports to share media intelligence with your team. You may also like to download and save this Cheat Sheet for future reference.

How To: Date Picker

You can use the Date Picker tool right across Mediaportal. Read this post for more information on where it appears and how to change the date range that you’re working with.

How to: Radio and TV orders

Want to know more about the Radio and TV items you see in your Mediaportal? Read this post to learn more about placing an order.

How To: Share

Read this post to learn how to use the Share function found on each media item in Mediaportal.