Mediaportal Monitor

How To: RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds help you stay on top of your coverage from your Mediaportal briefs and folders. RSS Feeds can also be known as Rich Site Summary Feeds or Really Simple Syndication Feeds. Read this article to learn more about setting up RSS Feeds in your Mediaportal.

How To: Navigating Between Folders

Hopping from one folder to another could be the best way for you to review your media items in Mediaportal. Read this article to get tips on how to navigate between folders more efficiently.

How to: Logos

Changing the logo displayed on your Mediaportal account is useful when you want to customise your workspace or add your branding to reports and alerts. Read this post to learn how to change your logo.

How To: Excel

An excel file may not be the most glamourous file type  in your arsenal, but it can be a great place to slice and dice your data.  Learn how to export your data into an Excel file by reading this post.

How To: Comments

Use Comments inside Mediaportal to collaborate with your colleagues and easily track information about media items. Learn how to add comments to your media items by reading this article.

How To: Search Coverage

Having trouble finding the content you need in Mediaportal? Check out this post on for tips on searching for coverage, and download this Cheat Sheet for future reference.

How To: Folders (Personal Folders)

Folders can help you to stay organised in Mediaportal. You might have heard Folders referred to as ‘Personal Folders’ before. Check out this post for more information, and download this Cheat Sheet for future reference.

How To: Mediaportal Alerts

Mediaportal isn’t just a website – with Mediaportal alerts you can be notified of content anywhere, anytime. Read this post for more information, and download this Alerts cheat sheet for future reference.