Folders can help you to stay organised in Mediaportal. You might have heard Folders referred to as ‘Personal Folders’ before. Check out this post for more information, and download this Cheat Sheet for future reference.

What is a personal folder?
When you log into Mediaportal, you might see that your media coverage is sorted into two different places: Briefs and Folders.
- Briefs relate to the briefs your organisation has on file with Isentia. These briefs contain the keywords, brands and companies that your organisation is tracking media coverage for. To review or update these keywords you can go to Coverage Tools in the Coverage area, and then click on Coverage Options. Then, navigate to the Brief Keywords tab. If you’d like to significantly change your keywords or add/remove folders it’s best to talk to your Account Management team.
- Folders are created by you or members of your team inside Mediaportal. Personal folders work a little bit like a folder in your Gmail or your Outlook, where you can add emails into an “Important Stuff” folder or set up a rule that every time you get an email from Rachel it goes into your “Emails from Rachel” folder. You can use folders to manually or automatically filter and organise the media coverage in your organisation briefs.
Here’s what you need to know about folders:
- They sit alongside your Coverage Briefs and give you extra options for organizing and filtering media items.
- Mediaportal can automatically organise media items into Folders based on criteria set by you, such as search terms, locations or media outlets. You can also choose to manually add content to a folder.
- Folders can be shared with colleagues so they automatically appear under their Mediaportal login too.
- They do not remove an item from a Brief, but rather duplicate an item to the Folder if it matches the set criteria.
- You can also access your personal folders using the Isentia app
What should I use folders for?
- If you regularly compile a report on a certain subject you might want to set up a personal folder to automatically capture that content. That way, the content will be ready for you when you build your report. For example, if you report every month on where your brand’s spokesperson Sarah Wong, has been mentioned in the media you could set up a personal folder capturing mentions of Sarah Wong.
- You can set up Email Alerts, RSS feeds or push notifications on your personal folders. If there is a particularly sensitive issue for your organisation you may want to consider setting up a personal folder tracking this – for example, you could set up a personal folder tracking mentions of protests or product recalls. You can then set up an alert by clicking Coverage Tools> Coverage Options> Alerts & Feeds. Mediaportal can let you know straight away when content is added to that folder. For more tips on setting up Mediaportal Alerts, check out this post. There are also tips on using notifications in the Isentia app here.
- If your Coverage Briefs are capturing lots of different brands/issues in one folder you might want to create personal folders to separate this content for easy access. For example, if you had a Coverage Brief capturing all of your mobile phone competitors you could create a personal folder for each competitor e.g. iPhone, Microsoft and Samsung.
- You can use the personal folders you have set up in Monitor to create charts in Analytics. If you’ve created a personal folder for each brand or issue that’s important to you, you can use the Folder Breakdown chart type to create share of voice chart.
How do I set up a personal folder?
In the Coverage area click the Add a folder button.
When you click to create a new personal folder, you’ll see this screen:
When you create a new folder you can:
- Name your folder e.g. CEO Mentions
- Add a description for your folder for future reference e.g. “this folder is capturing coverage that mentions our CEO”.
- In the Filed under section you can select a category in which to file your folder: Brands, Competitors, Personal or Spokespeople
- You can also choose to share your folder with other Mediaportal users in your organisation, so they’ll see the folder in their Mediportal login. This is really useful if you’re working on a campaign or a report with your colleagues. Just select the users you’d like to share the folder with – you can choose whether or not those users can modify your folder too.
If you’re planning on manually adding content to your folder, you can click Save when you have named and categorized your personal folder. Your personal folder is ready to use. If you’d like your personal folder to capture content automatically, now is the time to set up some search criteria.
Folder criteria
You can set up personal folders to automatically capture media items based on criteria that you set up. This can be really useful for isolating content that mentions a certain spokesperson, event or issue. You can also use this criteria to capture coverage relevant to a media release you’ve sent. For more information on using personal folders to track media release coverage check out this post.
When you’re setting up your folder, just enter in the search terms you’d like to capture. For example, if you’d like to set up a personal folder capturing mentions of your CEO enter his or her name as a search term.
You can be extra specific about the type of content you’d like to capture in your folder – use the search criteria to narrow down to certain media types, geographic regions or outlets.
When you’ve finished adding your criteria, just click Save. Your folder will now be visible in the Coverage area.
Your personal folder will start capturing content from the moment it’s created – if you’d like to add any older data to this folder you can search for the content in Search Coverage and then manually add it, using the process below.
Manually adding content to personal folders
If you plan on only manually adding media items to your personal folder, you don’t need to set up any search criteria. You can also manually add items to any personal folder at any time.
Just find an item or items you wish to add in the Coverage area and then tick the check box to the left of each item. When you select the item/s you’ll notice a dark blue bar appear at the bottom of your screen.
Select the Folder icon to add the item/s to a personal folder. You can create a new personal folder at this stage as well.
These items will then be added to your personal folder.
You can also manually add items to personal folders on your Isentia mobile app. Check out this post for more information.
Can I modify or delete my personal folder?
Yes. If you’d like to change your personal folder criteria, just click on your folder from the Coverage page. Then select Folder Settings from the Coverage Tools menu.
Only those Mediaportal users who created a personal folder, or have been granted access to modify the folder, will see Folder Settings when they click Coverage Tools from inside the folder.
To remove your folder entirely just click Delete folder.
An important note about content and personal folders
Folders can only capture content that is already being delivered to your Mediaportal via your Coverage Briefs. To review or update these keywords you can go to Coverage Tools in the Coverage area. Select Coverage Options and then navigate to the Brief Keywords tab. If you’d like to significantly change your keywords or add/remove briefs it’s best to talk to your Account Management team.