Want to know more about the Radio and TV items you see in your Mediaportal? Read this post to learn more about placing an order.
Radio and TV items in Mediaportal
The radio and TV items that you see in your Mediaportal all show a broadcast summary. This broadcast summary is generated by Isentia broadcast monitors, and it summarises what was discussed when this item went to air. The summary will also include any organisations, spokespeople or issues that were mentioned in the media item.
Using Mediaportal you can access the audio and video files for your TV and Radio items, as well as order transcripts. This is great if you want to know exactly what was said when a TV or radio item went to air.
Ordering audio/video files or transcripts through Mediaportal will usually generate an extra charge per item. If you’re not sure of the costs for these orders, check with with your Account Management Team.
Any orders you place through Mediaportal will then be stored for 12 months in the Purchased Content area.
Ordering Radio and TV items
If you’d like to place a broadcast order through Mediaportal, you have a couple of different options for what the file will look/sound like and how you’ll receive it.
On each broadcast item you’ll see an Available Formats button.
When you click the Available Formats button there are four different formats available for purchase: Stream, Download, Transcript and Edited clip.
This will allow you to quickly stream the radio or TV file inside Mediaportal. This is produced automatically, so it may contain some lead-in material before the relevant content begins. You’ll also be able to access this stream on the media item and in the Your Orders section of Mediaportal. This format has previously been referred to as a PlayNow file.
You can click on the Copy link icon at the bottom of the broadcast summary to copy the link to Stream to your clipboard. The link has open access enabling you to share the Stream with people outside of Mediaportal.
This is a downloadable version of the streaming copy of a broadcast item. Once purchased, a file download link will be available on the media item, and in Your Orders. This format has previously been referred to as an Instant Download. F
Format options include:
- MPEG 4 Video – MP4
- Windows Media Video – WMV
- Quick Time Video – MOV
- AVI Video – AVI
- Windows Media Audio – WMA
- MP3
Transcripts are professionally produced by Isentia monitoring teams, and are delivered to the Purchased Content section of Mediaportal in MS Word format.
Edited Clip
Edited clips are precisely edited in our studios, and may take longer to deliver to the Purchased Content section of Mediaportal.
Voice to Text Transcript
VTT transcripts are a faster way to gain access to the full text of a broadcast story. Using powerful automation technology, VTT transcripts can be generated in a matter of seconds depending on the length of the document. To generate a VTT transcript, click on the “Generate voice to text” link below the summary text on a TV or Radio item in Mediaportal.
This will open a configuration window where you can add some additional customisation options to improve the appearance of the generated document.
You can add a header and logo image to your document using the two update buttons in this window. These will appear above your transcript. For best results when adding images, use pixel dimensions 200 x 200 for logos and a minimum pixel width of 1440 for header images. To create the document, click the “Generate” button.
Your transcript will now start building. Depending on the length of the broadcast, this may take a few minutes to complete.
You don’t need to stay on this page, once your transcript is ready you will receive a notification at the top right-hand corner of your Mediaportal page.
From the notification icon you can either download the document directly using the download arrow icon…
Or quick view your transcript in a window by clicking anywhere within the notification pop out.
From the quick view window you can also share the transcript via email with your colleagues. To do this, select the “Share” tab at the top of the window. This will open the email sharing options where you can add emails of recipients you would like to send the transcript to, or click on the check box next to the names of your colleagues that have Mediaportal accounts.
You also have the option to add an email subject line and message before hitting share to send the transcript.
The VTT transcript will be stored on the media item in your Purchased Content library in the Mediaportal.
Why can’t I see the Available Formats or Generate voice to text option on my media items?
This could be related to the permissions on your Mediaportal login. Get in touch with your Account Management Team for advice.
What’s the difference between streaming an item and ordering an Edited Clip?
- Edited Clips are precisely edited by the Isentia studio department, so they won’t contain any irrelevant lead-in material or information you don’t need. Edited Clips tend to take a little longer to be delivered to the Purchased Content library, as they’re being worked on by the studio team. Edited Clips tend to come at a higher price point than Stream files.
- Stream format can be streamed or downloaded inside Mediaportal. This process is automated, so there may be some lead-in material that plays before your media item. These clips begin to play or download almost instantly, and you’ll be able to find them in Purchased Content straight away. Streaming tends to come at a lower price point than Edited Clips.
Purchased Content
Any broadcast orders that have been made by you or members of your organisation will be stored in the Purchased Content library. You can find this on the sidebar to the left of your screen.
In the Purchased Content library you’ll find all of the media items in your Mediaportal that have had a broadcast order placed against them. These items will be stored for 12 months in your Mediaportal. Use the Date Picker to access media items from different time periods.
Use the find item button to filter through your orders, or search for a particular item.