RSS Feeds help you stay on top of your coverage from your Mediaportal briefs and folders. RSS Feeds can also be known as Rich Site Summary Feeds or Really Simple Syndication Feeds. Read this article to learn more about setting up RSS Feeds in your Mediaportal.
The RSS Feeds come in list form, showing your new media items directly delivered to your Intranet, computer, or mobile device in real time. With a compatible RSS Reader app, the headlines and summaries of your freshly delivered items can be accessed and displayed.
Important features of Isentia’s RSS Feeds
- Maximum compatibility with standard RSS readers or widgets, following global standards
- Easy setup with your preferred RSS Reader app or widget, with only the Feed URL/address (from Mediaportal) required when the feed is activated
- Options to access and display live contents:
- Email clients (Microsoft Outlook 2007 or newer; Apple Mail),
- Dedicated RSS Reader apps (Feedly for web/iOS/Android); ReadKit for Mac OS X); and
- Embedded widgets in pages on corporate Intranet sites such as Sharepoint and IBM Notes
- Automatic updates on a schedule that you set in your RSS Reader or widget
What details do RSS Feeds include?
Since RSS Feeds relatively show minimal information about each media item, each feed includes:
• Item date/time
• Headline
• Name of the media outlet or journalist
• Extract/summary of the media item
• A link to view the full article or item on Mediaportal
How to setup RSS Feeds in Mediaportal?
There are two ways on how to set up RSS Feeds for your briefs or folders:
• Setting up RSS Feeds inside a folder
• Setting up RSS Feeds from Coverage Options
Setting up RSS Feeds inside a folder
To begin, click the folder or brief you want to set up RSS Feeds for, and then click the ‘Folder Tools’ dropdown menu from the toolbar inside the folder. The dropdown menu of ‘Folder Tools’ appears and lets you select ‘RSS Feed’ as the last option.
A pop-up appears to let you set up the RSS Feeds for the folder you are currently viewing. The RSS Feeds of folders are disabled by default. To enable, select the ‘enabled’ option from the dropdown of ‘The feed for this folder is’. You can also select the duration of your coverage and what file type you want your print items to link to.
When you’re all set, you click on ‘Save’ and then the RSS Feed pop-out menu will reveal the URL/web address for that specific folder. This URL can then be copied and pasted to your RSS Reader (or widget) to start receiving new media coverage. You will also receive an email confirming that the RSS Feed for that certain folder has been enabled.
Setting up RSS Feeds from Coverage Options
Another way to find the pop-up RSS Feed settings for a certain folder is by going to the ‘Alerts & Feeds’ page of ‘Coverage Options’ under the ‘Coverage Tools’ in the Coverage landing page.
In the ‘Coverage Options’ page, you can click on the ‘Alerts & feeds’ tab to see the list of briefs and folders. Folders with active RSS Feeds have a highlighted feed icon. You can click on the feed icon across each folder to setup RSS Feeds or to adjust setting of an active feed.
Simply select ‘disabled’ from the RSS Feed pop-out menu if you wish to turn off the feed for a certain folder. Further settings or adjustments can be made with your existing RSS reader or widget that comes with a user guide for instructions. See this sample guide of adding and accessing RSS Feeds in Microsoft Outlook.
*Please note that Google Chrome does not support RSS in the same way that Internet Explorer does. If you are using Chrome, you can add Google’s RSS Subscription Extension via this link by clicking ‘Add to Chrome’.